North East Norfolk Bird Club


Image of Weybourne birding site

The most westerly coast within the NENBC area. Well watched by some of our members with a private nature reserve at Denmark House close to the beach it regularly turns up the rarer birds. The modern heart of the village is south of the coast road but Rosy Starling and Waxwing have been found here. The Pinkfoot flocks in winter often contain Bean Goose so always deserve a close scan. The beach, traditionally known as Weybourne Hope, is a regular sea-watching location. The sallows to the west\r\nof the west of the car park, together with the Hope reedbed and the small pool form the eastern boundary of Weybourne Camp. The sandy cliffs that rise to the east are the start of the new NENBC location of Weybourne Cliffs.\r\n\r\n

Species recorded

What you might see

  • Red-legged Partridge

  • Grey Partridge

  • Common Quail

  • Common Pheasant

  • Brant Goose